Tanning Leather Phone Cases

Tanning Leather Phone Cases: The Tanning Process Explained

Tanning Leather Phone Cases: The Tanning Process Explained

Ever wondered how average animal skin turns into leather phone cases? Isn't it something to be worth knowing? Leather-making is an ancient practice that is been here for centuries now.  It the process of converting raw animal hide into something strong and durable, in which one step play crucial role, which is leather tanning. And today, you are going to learn about the leather tanning process of the phone case. This blog post is all about making you understand what exactly happens during this stage so that you can learn a little more about the leather phone case you own or are planning to buy! Without any delay, let’s get started! 

What Is Leather Tanning?

Tanning is the process of treating animal skin or hide to create leather. During this process, the skin is soaked into the tanning agent known as tannins, leading to chemical and physical changes. The basic steps involved in tanning leather phone cases include preparation, tanning, and finishing.  Here is a detailed explanation of each: 


The preparation stage involves cleaning and soaking the hides to remove dirt, blood, and other impurities. This is followed by a process called liming, where the hides are soaked in a lime solution to remove hair and other unwanted proteins. The hides are then delimed and bated to soften them and prepare them for tanning.


The tanning stage is where the actual transformation of the hide into leather occurs. There are several tanning methods, each resulting in different characteristics and qualities of the final leather product. The most common methods are vegetable tanning, chrome tanning, and synthetic tanning.

Vegetable Tanning

In this method, natural tannins (a class of polyphenol astringent chemicals) are abstracted from the bark and leaves of trees and plants. After the animal skin has been skinned, cleaned, and prepared, the hides are placed in the tanning pit soaked in tannins. The compounds in the tannins attach to the collagen proteins in the hide, making it less likely to dissolve in water and more resistant to bacteria. This process also makes the hide more flexible. Since the method uses an organic solution, fermentation occurs, which gives the leather phone cases their distinct colour and appearance. It also leaves the final product with a distinctive sweet and woody fragrance, a smell that typically indicates real leather.

Chrome Tanning

Chrome Tanning is one of the most practised methods of tanning leather phone cases. This method of tanning involves two stages. In the first stage, animal skin is soaked inside the baths that contain acidic salts until they are ready for the next step. In the next step, once again, the animal skins get to soak in a bath. This time, the bath contains chromium tanning agents such as chromium sulphate and chromium salts. Unlike the initial stage, the acidity of the bath is reduced until the hide begins to absorb the chromium tanning agents. This process produces blue hides. The advantage of chrome-tanned leather is that it is faster it can take up to as fast as one day, with the aid of modern machinery. 


The finishing stage involves several alternative methods to improve the appearance, texture, and functionality of the leather. This includes dyeing, fatliquoring (adding oils to maintain flexibility), buffing, and coating. The leather can be embossed with patterns or textures and treated with various finishes to achieve the desired look and feel.

Where To Find The Best Tanned Leather Phone Cases

At Porter Riley, you will find the best leather phone cases that are made of premium cowhide leather, directly sourced from the finest Italian tanneries. Our leather covers will get better with time by developing a unique patina, giving your phone case a unique pattern.  You can also shop for premium iPad cases on our website that speak luxury. 

Now that you know the whole journey of leather phone cases converting from animal skin into durable leather, you can peacefully buy your favourite leather phone cases at Porter Riley. Visit our website for more detailed information about our products! 

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